
Oven Roasted Chicken with Herbs

Sometimes, whenever we think of cooking gourmet style food, we always assume that it takes much effort and time in making one. Conversely, fancy restaurant-style food can be as easy as how we usually do cooking at home. Simple procedures, few and available ingredients is all we need. Well, enough creativity is also a good factor to consider but not really necessary.

Here is one easy good food you can prepare any time in your kitchen. This is definitely a good choice for a quick and effortless recipe to serve on a usual or special day.

  • Chicken cuts
  • salt
  • pepper
  • dried basil
  • dried thyme
  • dried chili flakes
  • dried bay leaves
  • lemon slices
  • lemon juice
  • vienna sausages
  • cherry tomatoes
  • baby carrots
  • olive oil

  1. Sprinkle the chicken with lemon juice.
  2. Add pepper, salt, basil, thyme, chili flakes, bay leaves and rub it thoroughly to the chicken. Set aside.
  3. Heat pan and add olive oil.
  4. Lightly pan fry both sides of the chicken. Set aside.
  5. Wash the baby carrot and cherry tomatoes.
  6. Cut in halves the cherry tomatoes and sausages. Cut in slices the lemon.
  7. Put the cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, sausages and lemon in a baking pan. Add some herbs.
  8. Put the lightly fried chicken on top and add some more herbs.
  9. Cover it with foil.
  10. Bake in oven for 30 minutes in 350°F.
  11. Take it out from oven and remove the foil.
  12. Bake again for another 15 minutes.
  13. Serve and enjoy!

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