A Taste of Paris

A sweet treat from our exhausting day is a taste of Parisian Macaroons. A newly-opened branch of a famous luxury chocolatier house, Forrey & Galland in Abu Dhabi Mall captured our attention with its colourful, well-arranged and tempting French macaroons.
I’ve tasted it before, but I requested my husband to buy some so he can have a taste of it as well. The very accommodating staff gave us a free-taste of their Pistacio and Orange Blossom flavoured macaroons. My husband liked it so he was convinced that though expensive it is worth the taste. Indeed luxurious for the price of Dhs9.00 ($2.43) per piece. We bought 4 pieces of different flavours. Coffee, hazelnut, vanilla and cherry.  There are other flavours such as rose, caramel and even Arabic flavours like dates, baklawa, omani halwa, rahash and many more.
I’ve always wanted to make my own French macaroons since my first taste of it. My boss gave it as a gift from France. She said it was from Paris' leading French Macaroon shop, Ladurée. I’ve posted Ladurée’s picture in one of my post way back in February.
I’ve read a lot of recipes and how-to’s but even if it seems so simple I still don’t have the guts to try it. Well, once I have the courage and if I make it right, I will surely be proud to post it here. But for the meantime, just have a bite of my photo. =D

Location: Abu Dhabi Mall - 1st Level, Abu Dhabi, UAE


  1. Hmm. So these are French macaroons. So what do they call the other kind of yellow macaroons that's usually for sale in stores?

  2. Thanks p.cook for your comment.
    I think the yellow macaroons that you are talking about are the coconut macaroons which are very popular in the Philippines. French macaroons are like meringue made of confectioners’ sugar and almond flour . =D

  3. Merci beaucoup Vincent for your invitation.
    I've visited your site and registered already.
    Hope our French Friends will like Filipino food =D


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